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Robin Bone Physiotherapy, IMS, River Heights, Winnipeg

What to expect post IMS treatment?

After each session, you may experience post-treatment soreness for 24 to 72 hours. Occasionally people are sore for a week but this is rare. Muscle soreness is normal and more like the discomfort you feel after a hard workout. It is due to the fact that your body is accommodating to a re-setting of the nervous system and muscles are returned to their normal length. The treated muscles should be softer than they were before treatment and range of motion may be increased.

Post IMS Self Care

1. Increase your water intake to help reduce soreness from IMS treatments.

2. Take a bath. As soon as possible after your treatment, soak for 20 minutes in a hot bath with one cup of sea salt and one cup of baking soda. When tension is released from the muscle, blood can suddenly get into the muscle and cleanse it of toxins.  Your skin is a permeable membrane and the salt and baking soda help draw toxins out of your system.

3. Gentle activities, such as, walking are encouraged as long as your pain stays at at level of less than 3/10.  Your body needs time to reajust after the treatment.  You do not want to stimulate the nerves that we are trying to settle.  

4. Use a heating pad on the affected area for a minimum of 20 minutes at a time and repeat as necessary every 4 hours after IMS treatment for chronic pain. 



Robin Bone Physiotherapy recommends an IMS appointment once every week or 10 days to allows for healing between treatments. The number of treatments needed depends on factors such as the duration and extent of your condition, the presence or absence of structural changes such as joint degeneration and the speed at which your body heals. You will likely notice a marked improvement after your first visit and within six to eight appointments.

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